Frequently Asked
You don’t need to worry about daily operations. Our expert team handles everything, making it a completely hands-off investment for you.
Returns depend on the tier you choose. Typically, profits start rolling in within 3 to 10 months, with a minimum ROI of 15% net for the Premium Tier.
Yes, if you wish to manage the business yourself, we offer a knowledge transfer program to guide you through the transition and equip you with all necessary skills.
After breaking even, you can either continue earning passive income or reinvest your profits to further scale and grow your Amazon business.
While no investment is without risk, we aim to minimize it by leveraging years of experience, proven strategies, and data-driven insights. We also provide a minimum ROI of 15% net on your initial investment for the Premium Tier.
Our product selection process is a blend of experience, advanced tools, and established supplier relationships. We leverage years of e-commerce expertise to identify high-demand, profitable products. Additionally, we have access to an abundant network of trusted suppliers and exclusive product lines. This allows us to source quality inventory at competitive prices, ensuring consistent sales and profitability. Our proven strategy focuses on selecting products with low competition and high margins, minimizing risks while maximizing returns.